IO5-A1 – Webinar about E3D+VET results and goals.

The Consortium is glad to announce its first webinar, within which the partners will introduce attendants to the results and goals achieved so far within the E3D+VET: Erasmus+ for the immersion in 3D printing of VET centres.
This webinar is destined to professionals of education, VET authorities, potential students and anyone interested in discovering how 3D Printing technology brings new opportunities to VET education, making a difference in the way subjects are taught and students learn.
WHEN: 21st October 2019 at 15:00 / 3 pm CEST
HOW: via online platform Adobe Connect
No account is required to join the webinar.
This first webinar will be followed by two more webinars, which will discuss the following topics:
- The use of 3D Printing in VET and other educational levels;
- 3D Printing training and job opportunities in the European Union.
The date for these two webinars are yet to be announced. Stay tuned for more information via this website and our Facebook page.
Do not hesitate to join us on October 21st, we look forward to meeting you!