E1 – Multiplier Event Italy

On the 10th December the Multiplier events of E3D+VET project took place in CEIPES’ office.
E3D+VET is a project involving six partners from different European countries: CEIPES (Italy), CETEM (Spain), STP (Slovenia), Pristálica (Spain), KIT (Germany) and SEMKA (Germany), funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnerships for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices).
The main purpose of the project is to train teachers by focusing on the acquisition of CAD modeling and 3D printing skills, including them in traditional teaching. The use of this technology in secondary schools will also improve students’ transversal educational skills.
During the meeting many activities were carried out, but in particular the web platform was presented by which it will be possible to download all the created exercises and also make new ones. In addition to the web platform, the partners realized an app for the Android system with the same features.
The event agenda was full of activities. At the beginning, the project manager of CEIPES explained the main aspects of the E3D+VET project, the experience of the partners involved in it, the product produced, the web platform and the app of the project, the pilot phase and Also they show a video which summarize the experience of teachers and students during the test phase.
In a second moment the Ceipes staff have been done a little workshop on how to use a 3D printer and which are the main advantages in the educational sectors.
There will be also a podcast on this topic so let’s stay tuned to “CEIPES web radio”!
A lot of people took part in the event, especially teachers and students of VET sector, other Ngo, and so on…
For more information about the project, please visit the project website the Facebook and Twitter pages